Lake Cisco Christian Camp

Lake Cisco Christian Camp is located at 5305 Hwy 6. It is located less than 5 miles from the city of Cisco, TX, in the rolling Texas hill country.

LCCC has been in operation since 1958. In 1974, Cisco Church of Christ purchased the property and since that time, local churches have been hosting summer camps there every year.

Cisco Church of Christ has been hosting one week of summer camp at LCCC every year since 1959.

Over the past 50 years, the facilities at LCCC have been under constant improvement. Camp facilities include:

  • New basketball / Vollyball Pavillion
  • Swimming Pool
  • Multi-Purpose Building (Kitchen, Dining Hall, Other)
  • Tabernacle
  • Amphitheater and Baptistry
  • Cabins

If you would like to know more about Lake Cisco Christian Camp, please visit ourĀ camp website!